Microsoft Teams Voice Gets Enhanced with New PSTN Call Routing Feature

Microsoft Teams Voice has recently added a new feature that allows administrators to control how PSTN calls are routed to user accounts. This is a critical feature for many organizations, as it allows them to separate PSTN calls from internal calls. The new feature is part of Microsoft Teams Calling Policy. To enable it, administratorsContinue reading “Microsoft Teams Voice Gets Enhanced with New PSTN Call Routing Feature”

Microsoft Teams Admin Center (TAC) – New Features & Change

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, is quoted as saying “Change is the only constant in life.” Microsoft is evolving the Teams Admin Centre and making all the features and functionality which the Teams Administrators having been requesting since long. Let’s discuss one important change. Firstly from the Phone Numbers it was never visible to which userContinue reading “Microsoft Teams Admin Center (TAC) – New Features & Change”

Microsoft Teams IP Phone Provisioning – Ongoing Issues

Microsoft Teams IP Provisioning using the MAC Address. Recently while working with one of my Project, we have identified the following limitation on Microsoft Teams IP Phone provisioning using the Teams Admin Centre. The Error is happening when we are trying to provision more than 500 IP Phones using the Teams Admin Centre. IP PhoneContinue reading “Microsoft Teams IP Phone Provisioning – Ongoing Issues”

Microsoft Teams Auto Attendant – Ongoing Issues

Microsoft Teams Auto Attendant and Call Queue have been enhancing with new features and functionality being available almost every bi-weekly. Recently while working with one of my Project, we have identified the following issue on Microsoft Teams Auto Attendant. For any existing Auto Attendant in the Microsoft Teams Admin Centre created on or before 12thContinue reading “Microsoft Teams Auto Attendant – Ongoing Issues”

How to Assign Multiple DID to users in Teams Voice

Microsoft Teams Voice is being readily adopted by most organization across the Globe. While the migration is happening there are various unique use cases which the organizations are requesting. Let’s discuss one of them today in the article. Now traditional PBX like Avaya, Cisco etc provided the capability to assign multiple Direct Inward Dialling (DID)Continue reading How to Assign Multiple DID to users in Teams Voice

Microsoft Teams Auto Attendant & Male vs Female Voice Issues

Microsoft Teams Auto Attendant and Call Queue is expanding with new features functionality. Microsoft have now enhanced the feature for text to speech capability for both the Auto Attendant and Call Queues. With text to speech capability almost all the customers are facing this issue with the below scenario for the Auto Attendant during theContinue reading “Microsoft Teams Auto Attendant & Male vs Female Voice Issues”

Call Routing of Unassigned Numbers from Teams Admin Center

Microsoft released features 400+ features as announced at Microsoft Ignite October 2022. Now Microsoft secretly released an exciting feature in the Teams Admin Centre. Here is the Glimpse of the same Now with this capability customers can now route the unassigned numbers to either a Person in an Organization or to an Auto Attendant orContinue reading “Call Routing of Unassigned Numbers from Teams Admin Center”

Microsoft Teams Phone Announcement at Ignite 2022

Microsoft Ignite was brisk this time spanning over two days with tons of new announcements across all the different services in Microsoft 365. Let’s look at the key announcement made for Teams Telephony General Availability of Microsoft Teams Phone MobileYes, you heard it correct Operator Connect Mobile have now been rebranded as Microsoft Teams PhoneContinue reading Microsoft Teams Phone Announcement at Ignite 2022

Microsoft Teams Voice  – Different Type of DID

Microsoft Teams Voice have multiple different type of Direct Inward Dialling (DID)/Phone numbers. This is not only applicable for Microsoft Calling Plans, but this is also applicable to Teams Direct Routing and Operator Connect Services. Let’s deep dive into the different types of DID that can be assigned in the Microsoft Teams Voice Architecture: –Continue reading Microsoft Teams Voice  – Different Type of DID

Technical Comparison for Microsoft Calling Plans, Teams Direct Routing and Operator Connect

Microsoft Teams Voice currently has three different options for providing Dial Tone. The three options are as follows: – Microsoft Calling Plans Operator Connect Direct Routing Let’s compare all the three services in technical perspective and understand what is best for us. Microsoft Calling Plans:- Quick and simple way to setup calling without additional technicalContinue reading “Technical Comparison for Microsoft Calling Plans, Teams Direct Routing and Operator Connect”